Marriage proposal with drones in Dubai

We can help you in organizing this romantic and technological act. 

A drone marriage proposal in Dubai can be an original and exciting event. Here are the steps you can take to organize such a proposal:

Idea and plan:

Develop a unique proposal idea that will be particularly meaningful to you and your partner.

Develop a drone movement plan that will create a beautiful picture in the sky and communicate your proposal.

Permits and restrictions:

Learn about the drone regulations in Dubai and get the necessary permits for such an event.

Contact local authorities and organizations to clarify all restrictions and requirements.

Collaborate with professionals:

Contact professional event organizers and drone experts working in Dubai. They can provide expertise and technical support.

Choosing a location:

Choose a beautiful and symbolic location for the proposal. It can be a waterfront, a luxury hotel or another location with a beautiful view of the city.

Proposal Design:

Combine your proposal with drone design. For example, the drones can form a ring, a heart, or the words "Will you marry me?". Work with professionals to create a spectacular performance.

Testing and rehearsals:

Conduct a test run of the drones to check their performance and the quality of the performance.

Conduct rehearsals with professionals to make sure everything goes according to plan.

Photography and Video:

Hire a photographer and/or videographer to capture that special moment and create a video to keep as a keepsake.


Ensure the event is secure. Make sure there are the necessary safety precautions in place to avoid any potential problems.

Romantic closing accent:

End the proposal with a romantic dinner, a walk or other token of attention to enhance the experience.

Remember that professional assistance and planning will be the key elements in successfully organizing such an event. Please contact our representative in Dubai for exact cost information: